21 August, 2007

Disappear here

We set going rather early in the morning, I was the co-pilot, reading the map, this means we already got lost on our way out of Montreal. Thing is when you take a wrong turn on a highway, you end up driving to wrong direction for a rather long time before you can turn back on the right road. But I learned how to read French-Canadian highway signs, it is not easy at all, since in Estonia we do not have highways, we have just pretentious wider roads and traffic jams in Estonia are a joke, so stop whining if you end up sitting still for some time, here you get stuck for half of you life, no wonder we see cars with in-built tv's all the time here.
The road was pretty boring, there is nothing much to see on a highway, endless rows of cars, some trees, few fields and loads of roadside fast food centers: Wendy's, Tim Horton's, A&W, DQ, Subway. Bored of never seeing anything interesting we took a turn out to a small town called Kingston, Ontario. Now this was entertaining, a nowhere town with people not doing anything, guys with pickup trucks, mullets and dogs. We went to drink iced coffee at County Side, but fuck there was no coffee in my rink just sugar, it was so sweet I felt repulsed. And next to the coffee place there was a small store with a sign:

And the waitress of CS told us the store has been closed for 6 months now, with Christmas candies rotting inside, spider webs on the door and all the sweets and goods just getting spoiled by the minute, how bizarre, how nowheretown'ish!
Then we had some more hours and hours of driving to Toronto, could see the lake Ontario from the car window, could see hawks and then we saw a motor home burst into flames on the road and people running out of it in panic and we had to drive past the damn thing on flames and it was so freaky since we were terrified it will explode to our face, it was just like in Cobra 11, hehe! It left shiver in me, it was very scary experience.
We arrived to Toronto pretty late so we decided to explore Toronto the next day, instead we went to eat at a pub nearby called the 3 Monkeys and it was such a cool place with make-your-own possibilities, like you got these forms where you'd check the things you want on your plate, we had stake, I had mushroom sauce and baked potato and I got to order a small portion at last! I had a Cosmopolitan and it was the best I have had in my life and I have had many. Next to the place was the 4th Monkey. How cool concept is that?

Next day we went to do a the touristic tour on Toronto, we followed the tour map but in our car, in Toronto, honestly there is not much interesting to see, we did some shopping I bought a top that I couldn't wear because it turned out later it is awfully see trough, damn. Here are some pictures of Toronto:

Some castle


Guess what?

Packed like sardines in a crushed tin can huh?


CN Tower
We couldn't go to CN tower because there was nowhere to park, first parking space was so far we would have had to take a taxi so we decided we disliked Toronto and we didn't want to see it from up either, we were sort of feeling sick from all that pollution and greyness of this huge city, so we had some meal, that was not good and continued to drive to Niagra. I don't really understand how people can live in Toronto, it is such a bad version of a big city, compared to Montreal, Toronto was empty and bare and gray and un-likable, suburban area was more normal but the city itself was just awful and full of baseball fans.

To be continued...

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