14 January, 2008


I stumbled upon this movie accidentally, I knew nothing of it, then again I mostly know nothing of movies, the best I've stumbled upon, the worse come on their own. But that wasn't my point. Anyways this is a small indie movie called 'Once' it's full of music and not just music, good original music. Sort of like an indie musical, with no tacky dancing, with almost no dancing, if you do not count the dance between the emotions of two main characters, aren't I poetic huh? It's a short music, love, life story between a Czech immigrant and a broken hearted Irish busker, who come together once in their lives and record music together, simple, but effective.The guy in the movie is played by singer of Frames (an Irish band) so that's why his songs are sounding so great and his singing that sort of reminds me of the singer of Starsailor (oh god, do you remember Starsailor, it has been near a decade since I listened to them). Whole movie happens in Dublin, that also brings back memories from 10 years ago when I was walking those same streets, but my Dublin is just a memory now, I've gone further just like them. I like how this movie is so small somehow, tiny, tiny and yet so full of good feelings and music and the 'something, something' that makes music happen. So watch it, if you haven't. Here's a taste of the movie, I sort of love this song, maybe not love, but it's in my head all the time and isn't that some sort of a sign that it is indeed 'loved' by me?

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