29 April, 2009

Wedding Piñata

Starting from today there will be a new column in my blog where I present all the interesting ideas for the wedding or engagement party that I keep getting. I'm not saying we will actually use any of these in our own wedding, but some of these for sure. I just really need to write them down somewhere before I forget them, so this way once we actually need to make choices of what to take and what to leave, we can easily just use my blog for reference :D

So here it is, my great party idea number one (in reality more like nr. 35) : Piñata!
A piñata is a brightly-coloured paper container filled with candy, small fruit and/or toys. It is generally suspended on a rope from a tree branch or ceiling and is used during celebrations. A succession of blindfolded, stick-wielding children try to break the piñata in order to collect the sweets, small fruit (traditionally peanuts, sweet limes, sugarcane) and/or toys inside of it. It has been used for hundreds of years to celebrate special occasions such as birthdays, Christmas and Easter. (Wikipedia)
I got the Wedding Piñata idea this morning while watching Harper's Island where a guy was hanged by his feet on a tree and naturally the freaky part of me thought of a Piñata. So I started to think that maybe we should get a creepy Piñata that looks just like a guy who is hanging by his feet, a symbolic 'kick the groom' thing hehe. I'm not that brutal though, but a wedding related Piñata or some original funky one could be a fantastic idea to bright up the party.
There's a lot of room for original solutions and that is what I love about this idea the most, last thing I want is a wedding that isn't fun or looks just like those Bridal magazines i.e white and uncomfortable.
The Piñatas come in all shapes and sizes and why not use it for a wedding, make it look bridal or just absolutely hilarious, there are so many great options to choose from. Also the filling of the Piñata doesn't have to be boring same old candies, there are many great things you can fill it with. For instance you can go with a romantic wedding theme and fill it with the couples favourite candies or lovely pictures of them or maybe even some small things that represent the couple the best, like their restaurant bills hehe. The Piñata can also be filled with funny little party favours, like paper napkins with the couple's pictures on them (there will be a blog entry about funny original party favours, so I won't dwell on this idea much, for now) Or maybe even some embarrassing bachelorette party items. Imagine a batchelorette party Piñata that is shaped after some sexy guy and is filled with dildos and g-strings and lubes, it sounds like loads of drunk ladies having shit loads of fun, doesn't it? Anyways, it is a great idea to keep in mind for the future, we might even use on for our engagement party, if the circumstances are right. I've always wanted have one but due to lack of such things in Estonia, I have never gotten to kick one yet. Maybe this time *fingers crossed*.

Custom made Piñatas at Etsy.

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