02 August, 2007

So the neighbors can dance in the police disco lights.

As I've heard, in Estonia it is pretty much Autumn already, as I experience myself, in Montreal, we are heading to greater highs of temperature. Global warming at it's best, 43 degrees. I can feel my own sweat boiling in my pores, this is much fun, no need to travel to Spain or whatever sunny warm country, here in Canada we have it all.
On TV here we see a lot of starving Africans, weight loss tips, cancer, aging defying products, etc. Everything in it's extremes, I suddenly am scared of wrinkles and in terrible need of sponsoring a starving African child, they get to you trough TV, they get inside your mind, I'm suddenly graving for a Tic-Tac Bold!, even tho, I have never tasted it. Irrational, insane, inevitable.
Everything here has a child lock and it is pissing me off. As if they want to take away all responsibility of raising a child and secure all harmful products so parents wouldn't have to look after their toddlers. In my country we put the lighter out of reach of children, in here it is discomfort to teach a child not to touch it, here they let children play with it, it has a child lock, no point looking after the kid, it can do no harm to itself, we baby proof the world. The kid will have a very distorted image of what is harmful and what not, loss of validated fear that is replaced with irrational fear of aging and yellow teeth. I find this disturbing.
But I like it here, the people are great, the food is tasty, the atmosphere is welcoming, it feels like home, a home on the other side of the big pond, I'm slowly melting myself in to this strange society, trying not to look too astonished by black people driving cars or strange Islamic women picking the leaves of our back yard hedge talking in weird language that sounded like "Klug, blah blah , klug, glug, britleh, blah"...I'm sure they made some medicine out of the leaves, or drugs *shrug*, in the evenings we hear Tahitian music playing loud in the backstreet, our backstreet neighbors are Chinese, our Indian food take away was brought by a real Indian. In other words I try not to look too surprised, it's impolite, I'm now living in an melting pot (pun indented).

1 comment:

  1. *mwah* hehe, Haitian, not Tahitian, not the same area on this earth hehe you're cute
